About to enlist USMC, have some questions still
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  1. #1

    About to enlist USMC, have some questions still

    Well, I had thought about this last year but I sorta put it off as I was trying to focus on my civilian career. I have always had a huge desire to serve from growing up in a military household (Grandfather was a Full Bird USAF & Pops was an AF brat). I have civilian certs as a Firefighter 1&2, EMT , Paramedic 2 student, so I have been in the paramilitary setting for a while now.

    I would be going in under the buddy program with another FF/EMT who is a great friend of mine that shares an undying love to become a marine. The MOS I am hoping to get is 7051 Aircraft Firefighting and Rescue Spec. because it goes hand in hand with my civilian job. I am really hoping that I will be able to get the MOS I am looking for and not get stuck with something I'm not signing up for. I have had alot of guys tell me that I should join USAF if I'm looking to be a firefighter but my heart is SET on the corps ever since high school due to many factors.

    Well, now I am ready to enlist and have made my decision for good. I'm not sure if I should go in to sign soon or wait until August to be shipped out 30 days later to get my bonus. What are your thoughts on that? Positives...negatives??

    Like I said, I have not signed anything yet because I am waiting to enlist and do the DEP or enlist within 30 days for the bonus. I hope to get my desired MOS 7051 and will make sure its guaranteed or else I will not sign. Thoughts on that?

    Lastly, I need info on what to expect when going in to sign for the "real deal". I have gone in and talked to recruiters about 3 times (going again on Tuesday of next week) but never actually had the contract in front of me. For all of those who have enlisted, what is the ENTIRE process (including ASVAB, MEPS) upon signing the contract (ie papers)...things to be aware of and watch out for that you have for me.

    Sorry for so many questions, I just like to be prepared for what I'm going into. BTW, I REALLY APPRECIATE your help on all this, your a great bunch of guys with excellent information and tolerance for people who keep bombarding you with questions. Hopefully, someday soon, I will be able to earn the title of U.S. MARINE Thanks for everything !!

  2. #2
    Read the rules of the site and fill out your profile.

  3. #3
    "The MOS I am hoping to get is 7051 Aircraft Firefighting and Rescue Spec. because it goes hand in hand with my civilian job. I am really hoping that I will be able to get the MOS I am looking for and not get stuck with something I'm not signing up for"

    ok to start your MOS, crash fire rescue, is one of two jobs you could get. i mean that you would enlist wanting crash fire but you actually are choosing a field with 2 options. The other option is Aviation Ordnance. And, many Marines (including a close friend from boot and MCT) who want crash fire often receive orders for ordnance.

    As for contracts and what you'll be expected to sign, you wont see any of that until you go to MEPS (military entrance and processing station) for your physical and DEP swear in. If you havent taken the ASVAB already, you will once you get to MEPS. The MEPS process is an all day event starting early (about 0500 if i remember correctly) so you'll have alot to read and sign and be poked and prodded by doctors. And you'll have to stand on a line in the head and **** in a cup, and have a blood test so be prepared for that. And background checks fingerprinting are done too.

    And make sure you ask your recruiter about the inactive reserves, because the contract you sign will be for 8 years. It will specify how many years will be active, and the remainging will be inactive reserves, meaning if needed, you could be recalled to active duty for those remaining years. And in my MOS (6114 cobra and huey mech) its been happening lately because of the need for qualified mechs.

    let me know if you have any more questions and i hope my advice doesnt change your choice to join the Corps. I gave up alot, college, some buddies who disagreed, long term girlfriend among other things but i would not have changed my decision if i had to make it again. Im damn proud to wear this uniform and hope someday you to will wear it. Semper Fi

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