Wannabe Marine with a GED
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  1. #1

    Wannabe Marine with a GED

    Alright I did read the sticky that says Ged/diploma/college Credit Question... start Here, but it did not answer my question.

    So, I understand that in order to be Tier I I will need a GED ( which I already have ) and I will need 15 college credits in classes of level 100 or higher. I enrolled in 2 semesters at my local community college as a full time student receiving a grant ( 12 credit hours per semester ). I finished the first semester and did pretty bad.. I missed a lot of class due to sickness, troubles getting to the classes etc. So I managed to receive only 3 credits that semester.

    This semester I was enrolled again with 12 credit hours, only was dropped due to absences in one class I know it shows lack of motivation and if I really wanted to be a Marine I would have gone and just gotten it over with but try and ignore comments like that, please. My other 3 classes I took this semester were very difficult for me. I took Psychology, Philosophy, and a history class as a way to challenge myself instead of taking **** easy classes. I couldn't do it, they were too difficult and no matter what I tried to do ( getting extra work, talking to the teachers ) it wouldn't sink in. So, I ended up dropping myself from those three classes.

    Now, I am left with a grant that I have to pay back of $2775. IF I were to talk to a recruiter and try to be one of the 5% that can go through training with just a Ged, would I have any benefits taken away from me?

    I would be trying to become an 0311. I do think I will be able to pass the ASVAB and get the minimum score needed of 50 and more, because I am not a dummy, honestly.. I just made some bad decisions in my past and have tried my hardest to recover and from some I can't ( motivation in school ).

    Also, will I just be denied right away because of the grant I have to pay back?

    I apologize for the long read, and I did try and search up these questions before using the search bar but I didn't find exactly what I was looking for.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Seminole County
    NOTICE: This is an answer you probably won't like because it isn't the answer you want to hear.

    These days, they won't waive the 15-credit hours. The Corps is full and will probably be downsizing soon. They aren't granting a lot of waivers even with 15-credit hours.

    You've admitted to a lack of commitment. A recruiter WILL look at your transcript and see that lack. He will guess, as I already have, that you lack the ability to follow through and do not demonstrate the determination necessary to be a Marine. In other words, you are a quitter.

    If you didn't like this answer - too bad. Marines are blunt, not PC, and don't like quitters.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Zulu 36 View Post
    NOTICE: This is an answer you probably won't like because it isn't the answer you want to hear.

    These days, they won't waive the 15-credit hours. The Corps is full and will probably be downsizing soon. They aren't granting a lot of waivers even with 15-credit hours.

    You've admitted to a lack of commitment. A recruiter WILL look at your transcript and see that lack. He will guess, as I already have, that you lack the ability to follow through and do not demonstrate the determination necessary to be a Marine. In other words, you are a quitter.

    If you didn't like this answer - too bad. Marines are blunt, not PC, and don't like quitters.

    Thank you, sir. You are right about it not being the answer I wanted to hear, but if that's the answer then that's the answer.

    I do have a question though, you said they aren't giving waivers for someone with a GED and 15 college credits. I thought that put me on the same tier as a high school diploma holder, and that I wouldn't even need a waiver? Maybe I misunderstood what I had read.

  4. #4
    Ged/diploma/college Credit Question...start Here

    This response was posted by a Marine on recruiting duty, 18 April 2011. Consider it the 'final word' on the subject:

    "I'm currently on recruiting duty... if you don't have the 15 credits, it isn't going to happen..."

    There are very few recuiters who are members here and frequent this site. All most of the Marines here can do is give you advice.
    Go and talk with a recuiter face-to-face. He/she will be able to give you the most up-to-date answers you are looking for.

  5. #5
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbreton View Post
    Thank you, sir. You are right about it not being the answer I wanted to hear, but if that's the answer then that's the answer.

    I do have a question though, you said they aren't giving waivers for someone with a GED and 15 college credits. I thought that put me on the same tier as a high school diploma holder, and that I wouldn't even need a waiver? Maybe I misunderstood what I had read.
    You would still need an education waiver. The Corps is granting fewer waivers because qualified people are lined up to get in who don't need waivers. They can pick and choose. Why do a bunch of extra paperwork on you that will probably be denied, when the recruiter just has to wait a short time and someone else, not needing any waivers, will come in.

    Remember those educational tiers are guidelines for recruiters and their bosses, not part of your Constitutional Rights. You do not have an unalienable right to enlist in the Marine Corps. Forget about going to your Congressman, they won't help (I was reading your mind).

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by SoftballCatch23 View Post
    This response was posted by a Marine on recruiting duty, 18 April 2011. Consider it the 'final word' on the subject:

    "I'm currently on recruiting duty... if you don't have the 15 credits, it isn't going to happen..."

    There are very few recuiters who are members here and frequent this site. All most of the Marines here can do is give you advice.
    Go and talk with a recuiter face-to-face. He/she will be able to give you the most up-to-date answers you are looking for.

    I did read the big red letters, I just wasn't sure what that was in reply to as it was at the complete end of the sticky. I will go in and talk to my recruiter though, thank you.

    You would still need an education waiver. The Corps is granting fewer waivers because qualified people are lined up to get in who don't need waivers. They can pick and choose. Why do a bunch of extra paperwork on you that will probably be denied, when the recruiter just has to wait a short time and someone else, not needing any waivers, will come in.

    Remember those educational tiers are guidelines for recruiters and their bosses, not part of your Constitutional Rights. You do not have an unalienable right to enlist in the Marine Corps. Forget about going to your Congressman, they won't help (I was reading your mind).
    Ah alright I didn't know that I would need a waiver still. Thank you, again.

  7. #7
    Not an answer but some advice, you are trying to run before walking. If you only have a GED and needed the College credits, why would you sign up for a full load with classes that are not designed for basic education.

    Philosophy and Psycology are two that should not be combined in one semester unless you are an outstanding responsible student that can handle the load. On top of that I am sure you work full time and have other areas that you have time commited too.

    Instead of trying to go to the recruiter with an extremely low to zero chance of receiving a waiver without fullfilling the requirements, I would take a step back, reevaluate your situation and start over on the education process or find something else to do.

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